With the blink of an eye we've moved from the analogical era to the digital era, and what has happened with all of our analogical stuff? I'm sure most of you have some cassette tapes, video tapes and floppy disks on a drawers, maybe you don't even remember, but they are there. Today, I'm showing you a reuse. Let's have a look.
Sencillo y útil. Utilizando disquetes o cintas de cassette podemos hacer estos dos originales lapiceros.
Using floppy disks or cassette tapes, we can make these two orignal boxes to keep all of our office stuff in order.
Algo más elaborada es esta mesita de centro hecha con cintas de video. Están pintadas de blanco y pegadas entre sí. Me parece genial.
This one requires a bit more effort. Video tapes painted in white and glued make this nice tea-table.
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