As the good weather arrives, we also have to change the clothes on our closets. Instead of putting the old ones or those which we don't like already, it's better to make a selection among those which can be used by others, or those which are really damaged. Today I'm showing you some tips to reuse the damaged ones.
Podemos usar los bolsillos de los vaqueros viejos para hacernos unas bolsitas para transportar cosas pequeñas como el Ipod.
From the pockets of our damaged jeans we can get nice smal bags to carry our electronical items.
Con la parte de abajo de un jersey podemos hacernos estas bonitas manoplas.
With the bottom part from a sweater we can make these nice gloves.
¿Camiseta estropeada? Simplemente con unas tijeras nos haremos este bonito pañuelo veraniego
Damaged T-shirt? With just a pair of scissors we can make this nice summer scarf
Usando los bajos de los vaqueros y un trocito de tela podemos hacer este tipo de cestita.
Using the bottom part of our jeans legs and some extra fabric we can make this kind of basket.
Me encanta el pañuelo que sale de la camiseta, jeje. La de cosas que podemos hacer reutilizando...